Analysis of the São Paulo Terminal Warehouse Transfer Project (Ceagesp) and subjacent events from the point of view of the Circular Economy
Food chain, Circular city, Nesp, CitiAbstract
This article presents an analysis, from the perspective of the circular economy, of the São Paulo Terminal Warehouse Transfer Project (ETSP-Ceagesp) from Vila Leopoldina to the Perus neighborhood (both in the city of São Paulo), as well as the implementation,
by the private initiative, of the New Terminal Warehouse São Paulo (Nesp) in Perus, and the International Center for Technology and Innovation (Citi), a project from the state government, on the current site of the ETSP-Ceagesp. These two last events are considered underlying the transfer of ETSP-Ceagesp, since the three events are related
by a series of events, informed in this article. These projects are extremely relevant, especially for the city and state of São Paulo, to address essential aspects of sustainable development, such as food safety, urban resilience, research, and innovation, among others. The main contribution of this article lies in its approach, from a circular economy point of view, aiming to identify impacts and opportunities that may arise from the execution of each of the projects and their interrelationships, and that are in line with the circular transition commitment, assumed by the Municipality of São Paulo, as a member of the International Circular Economy Network, spearheaded by the world’s leading authority
on the subject, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. A qualitative, applied, and exploratory research was carried out, through a bibliographic survey and documental research. As a result, the impacts and opportunities identified are presented, as well as some threats, ofa general nature, to the realization of the projects. It is expected that this article provides additional subsidies for reflections and discussions on the topics addressed, and that it contributes to the stakeholder’s engagement, in favor of the interests of the community and circular transition of São Paulo city.
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