Análise do instrumento urbano Cota de Solidariedade, instituído no Plano Diretor Estratégico do Município de São Paulo (Lei nº16.050, de 31 de julho de 2014)
Cota de Solidariedade [Solidarity Share], Public policy, Right to the city, Urban infrastructure, Social housingAbstract
Lately, in São Paulo, it can be considered that there is a housing deficit of 700 thousand dwellings (SCHREIBER, apud. LING, 2014) counting families without access to formal housing and those who live in homes considered inadequate; this quantitative and also qualitative lack has been under the attack of urban instruments such as Cota de Solidariedade [Solidarity Share], which beyond stimulating the production of social housing has the objective of mixing social classes in the same neighborhood, aiming the allocation of families with low income near consolidated transport, work and leisure infrastructures. The application of the instrument, however, goes under questioning and yet does not respond to the magnitude of the paulistan problem of lack of decent housing for families with low income because of its timid effective application since 2014. This analysis intends to understand the application pattern of the instrument and relate this with the experience from other cities around the world bringing a critical base to the next revision of São Paulo’s Strategic Masterplan.
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