São Paulo City Hall and the Covid-19 Pandemic

an Innovative Approach to Public Planning and Purchasing


  • Marian Salles Gomes Bellamy Public Policies Analyst at São Paulo Municipality, currently a Master´s student in Public Health at USP, Finance Specialist, Graduated in International Relations USP and researcher at CEBRAP
  • Ricardo Ferreira Santos Graduated as a Civil Engineer at the Federal University of Bahia, Specialist in Business Strategy – Mackenzie, Internal Auditor for the Municipality (CGM –SP), and currently chief of staff of Counselor Mauricio Faria at TCMSP
  • Eduardo Emílio Lang Di Pietro TCMSP External Control Auditor. Graduated in Civil Engineering and Law (Mackenzie) and Administration (FGV). Specialist in Management and External Control of Public Accounts; studying MBA in PPPs (FESPSP / London School of Economics). Ex-Director of the School of Government
  • Vitor Levy Castex Aly Civil Engineer, Master in Civil and Urban Engineering at EPUSP, Assistant Professor at the Civil Engineering Department at EPUSP. Secretary of Infrastructure and Public Works at the Municipality of São Paulo




Covid-19, Pandemic, Planning, Acquisition, Innovation and public sector


São Paulo City Hall has furthered several actions to reduce the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the population. These actions took place in the field of policy planning and acquisition and were effective and innovating in many aspects. It is relevant to analyze this experience considering the possible future occurrence of other pandemics, in order to identify successful initiatives by the public sector as well as to perfect future actions.


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How to Cite

Bellamy, M. S. G. ., Santos, R. F. ., Di Pietro, E. E. L. ., & Aly, V. L. C. . (2020). São Paulo City Hall and the Covid-19 Pandemic: an Innovative Approach to Public Planning and Purchasing. Revista Simetria Do Tribunal De Contas Do Município De São Paulo, 1(6), 192–202. https://doi.org/10.61681/revistasimetria.v1i6.37

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