An Analysis of the Urban Intervention Project in the Vila Leopoldina Neighborhood, in São Paulo (SP)
Urbanism, Urban planning, HousingAbstract
The Vila Leopoldina-Villa Lobos Urban Intervention Project is an initiative of the City of São Paulo to revitalize an old industrial area of private property and approximately 300,000 m² located in the District of Vila Leopoldina, in the west zone of the city. The project presents a formula to leverage the resources, counterparts and compensation generated by the real estate development planned in the perimeter of intervention and, in parallel, solve the serious issues of precarious housing in three communities located in the area covered by the PIU: Da Linha, Do Nove and Cingapura Madeirite. Through the requalification of public spaces, expansion of green areas, mobility improvements and construction of housing of social interest and, in addition to investment in new commercial ventures and cultural equipment, the PIU Vila Leopoldina-Villa Lobos, in case of approval by the bodies decisions, has the potential to improve the quality of life in the region and promote the correct density of housing and jobs in an area with access to transport infrastructure.
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