Strategic Master Plan as an Instrument to Induce the Real Estate Market

The Search for a Rational Distribution of the Population throughout the Municipal Territory


  • Alexandre Levin Escola Paulista de Direito



Onerous permission of the right to build, Structuring Axes of Urban Transformation, Special Zones of Social Interest


The master plan, the main legal instrument for organizing the urban space (Federal Constitution, art. 182), lists the objectives of the municipal urban policy, all of them aimed at the search for the full development of the city’s social functions. These objectives are achievable through urban planning instruments, whose application, in turn, aims at the rational distribution of the population throughout the city’s territory. The PDE works, thus, as an inducer of the real estate production market: by predicting minimum and maximum coefficients of use, the law encourages construction in areas of the city with better transport infrastructure and discourages construction in regions destined to environmental protection. In the lines that follow, we intend to address how this process of inducing the real estate market takes place, based on the Strategic Master Plan of the city of São Paulo (Municipal Law #16.050/2014) as well as the tools it includes, meant to reach the goals defined by the legislator. 


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Author Biography

Alexandre Levin, Escola Paulista de Direito

Doutor e Mestre em Direito do Estado pela PUC-SP (área de concentração direito urbanístico). Procurador do Município de São Paulo. Professor de direito administrativo e ambiental nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação da Escola Paulista de Direito – EPD. Membro efetivo da Comissão de direito urbanístico da OAB/SP.


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How to Cite

Levin, A. (2023). Strategic Master Plan as an Instrument to Induce the Real Estate Market: The Search for a Rational Distribution of the Population throughout the Municipal Territory. Revista Simetria Do Tribunal De Contas Do Município De São Paulo, 1(11), 108–119.

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