Observatório de Políticas Públicas do TCMSP
Reflexões do Grupo de Trabalho de Educação
Effectiveness, Indicators, Education, Public policy, Social and economic disparity, ObservatoryAbstract
The Observatory of Public Policies of the Court of Auditors of the Municipality of São Paulo (TCMSP) created a work group to analyze and think about the indicators existing in the area of education in the municipality of São Paulo. The analysis aimed to map the indicators already existing and made available by other observatories, analyze databases and information provided in the systems of TCMSP and the Executive Power and identify gaps of performance and/ or analysis and crossed data of interest to the Court of Auditors, the Executive Power and the third sector. Furthermore, this analysis stresses the social and economic disparity in the municipality of São Paulo and the effectiveness of public policies. The technical report presented herein aims at systematizing and publishing the discussions initially held by the Group and the Technical Board of Indicators in Education which partook in the Seminary Launching the Observatory on December 12, 2020.
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