Lei Maria da Penha

um marco legal para a construção da autonomia das mulheres


  • Angélica Fernandes Chefe de gabinete do conselheiro João Antonio do Tribunal de Contas do Município de São Paulo. Mestra em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica São Paulo, graduada em Comunicação Social pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Gestora pública, foi subsecretária de Articulação Institucional da Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República, assessora Especial do Senado Federal




Women, Public Policies, Familiar and domestic violence, Public budget, External Control


The present article is proposed to analyze the processes of Institutionalization of the enforcement of Maria da Penha Law, Law 11.340/2006, at the municipality of São Paulo within the role of External Control. It is important to emphasize that the Law Maria da Penha regulates the right of the women vic­tim of familiar and domestic violence in terms of social assistance, health and public security. Its legal framework contains a great number of affirmative actions in preventive nature, as­sistencial and pedagogic, and also as it express directives for the fulfillment of public policies trough of systemic actions which the responsi­bility is due each federative body. The contents of the article are a product of the reflection of several authors about the subject, also from the results reached in the implementation of public policies and of the contributions of the External Control in different dimensions. Ini­tially I present the theoretical presuppositions that guides the analysis, which detains in some structuring concepts that explain the necessi­ty of the set of actions proposed by the Law 11.340/2006. In this context, it is necessary to stand out how this subject acquires relevance in the dynamics of the partner-politician pro­cesses. Another boarded matter is the role of the resources from public investment for the fulfillment of initiatives and services to fight the violence against the women predicted in Maria da Penha law through the monitoring of the budgetary execution. Moreover in this context, how the External Control can act in a preventive form and also in collaborative man­ner for the implementation of rights and for confronting inequalities denoted in the relation between woman and man which is present in the society, especially in São Paulo city.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, A. . (2017). Lei Maria da Penha: um marco legal para a construção da autonomia das mulheres . Revista Simetria Do Tribunal De Contas Do Município De São Paulo, 1(2), 87–95. https://doi.org/10.61681/revistasimetria.v1i2.82



Políticas Públicas

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